Monday, April 27, 2020

मैं आऊंगा ज़रूर

मेहनत की है मैनें,

अब रुकूंगा नहीं,
माना मंज़िल दूर है,
लेकिन निशाने से चूकुंगा नहीं।

मेरा नाम जानने की,
कोशिश ना करो ,
मैं अनजान ही सही,
लेकिन रास्ते बनाऊंगा ज़रूर।

मेरा हौंसला चाहे,
दीप ही सही,
मशाल बनाकर प्रकाश,
फैलाऊंगा ज़रूर।

समय से वादा है मेरा,
प्रतीक्षा करना मेरी,
वकत बेशक लगे,
वापस आऊंगा ज़रूर

और कविताएं पढ़े :-आसमान के सितारे हम
                     :-  काम है अपना अपना

Sunday, April 19, 2020

काम है अपना अपना

काम है अपना- अपना

वृक्षों की सौगंध देखो,
शाया दे रहे बिना थके,
फिर भी काम है अपना अपना।

राही की चाल को देखो,
चल रहा बिना रुके,
फिर भी काम है अपना अपना।

पक्षी की उड़ान को देखो,
उड़ रहा आसमान में खुले,
फिर भी काम है अपना अपना।

जंगल का शासन देखो,
एक जान भोजन दूसरे का बने,
फिर भी काम है अपना अपना।

कुदरत का चमत्कार देखो,
एक मौत जन्म दूसरे का,
फिर भी नाम है अपना अपना।

Read more:-मंज़िल

Monday, April 13, 2020

Yes, God is around you

Hello everyone,how are you. I think everyone is fine. For you I have written a new blog so that you could easy understand and be happy by knowing the fundamentals of life.
We never saw God. We can just feel. We all think that our last hope is god. We (not all) try to get it.  We try all the crap, but of no use. Why is it? Because we have put facade of humanity on our face. Every morning, we go to our holy place and bow before portrait of God and ask it for blessings.
After then we move out of home, and forget that what God wants from us. We speaks lie,get angry from others, feel jelious from others' promotions. God gives a gesture not to do it. But we wouldn't be ready to accept it. We adopt the wrong way. But people make efforts just to prove themselves right. Actually people are very selective. They choose only those things which they would like to give prefer, whether it is right or not. It doesn't matter how much loss they will get in future of it. 
They find God in sculptures. They don't see in themselves. 
                          My dear friend, where God is not. You can see God in plants,trees,birds,marine plants and animals. You can see it in your domestic animals if you love them. And God be hurt when you kill animals. God get sad when you cut plants. Can you stop it if you really want God? I think you are able to think on this matter from beginning now, so that you can find your answers. Bye............ 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Let them live

A few days ago, I watched a news on the Television that a deer came in the town which was under lockdown. We have been hearing and watching such stories for last few days, whether it is about clean Ganga or air quality. Today the carbon emission throughout the world is as much as was 75 years ago. Loudly life has stopped. There are nothing any crawling of buses and railways. We are seeing that earth which was perhaps in the inception.
                                                     Today when human community passing through a calamity, when everyone is weeping for their real ones, whole planet has gone into a particular joy. All creatures except man are very happy as they has get it's earth back in original shape. They all are very happy. They all are flourishing and thriving. All time they used to ask questions from God why you don't stop human to deteriorate the situation of earth.
And now having tired from human being, God decided to accept all demands of creatures. For this, just one community had to be stopped - human. And to do this God needed a small microscopic virus. Where are our atom bombs, missiles,fighter plans that could protect us from this outbreak.
Oh human you have transformed all the world into a machine( where we have no any emotions. Every years we kill a lots of animals, cut huge number of plants, through millions of ton in rivers,sea and oceans. And todày when they all are clearing their accounts, we are hoping that God help us. 
                                            My friends, this is the time to accept that we are executioners of such sort of genocide. And now this is the time to join the joy and happiness of other creatures. We should live them and give them some space so they could survive. 

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Oh! My GOD

Only dead bodies are there. People are crying and weeping. They don't know what will happen ahead. They are living in scare. They are being afraid by COVID-19. Cities,towns and streets have gone into deep sleep. It is no any sound and voice today. People are trying to console each other. Besides this what they have to do. They cannot do anything except sobering. 
                 Whole country are being prepared for funeral services of dead bodies. Yes, my dear friends it is the reflection of ITALY, SPAIN and AMERICA. Countries like Spain and Italy do not have enough space left for his dead bodies. Governments are trying to save life of rest of people. Government do not have  much more about this killing outbreak except ambiguity. They don't have power left to fight with CORONA.
                                          The outburst is continue flourishing. Countries manoeuvres are failing before it. However it's mortality rate is very low. But it brought whole world into deep crises and ambivalence. It has deteriorated world's peace, unity and tranquility.
                      But in this darker time we need to come out of timidity and coward. I wish I could go in those countries and disseminate light of courage. I would I take their burden of pain. I wish I could say to them please stop crying and live a new life. 
                My dear friend, we could not do that. But we have something to do for them that is pray. So my friend please pray for them and try say to god where are you when we need a lot of you.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

It's time to learn

It's time to learn 

Hello guys, how are you? Today's topic very important in the context of CORONA-19. I am not going to elaborate Corona. As we has done in previous blogs. But today's content is different. So let's start:-
As everyone knows that history has been evident of this fact that every preparation do not enough for any natural calamity. But Corona has prevailed much more about this thinking. Today Corona has spread all over the world. And till now we don't have anything except teardrops. Today we are helpless. This virus is revealing that nature is much more powerful than human being's efforts. But despite this damage, we have a lot things to learn from corona genocide.
  1. We need to stop making and purchasing of dangerous weapons and equipments.
  2. We should break confrontation with other countries.
  3. We must do work for humanity,parity,unity and also for tranquility.
  4. We need to change our mindset about world and consider world as a whole family.
  5. Now international institutions have to work for pleasure of people. There is nothing any requirement to work for so called development which make states situation bad.
  6. Countries should think that what they must have done or what they are doing.
What advantage of that development which could not save people from natural and human disasters. We know that the time will go and normalcy would be reinstate. But if we could learn something from this calamity then beleive me we don't see again a such blunder.

Let them live

A few days ago, I watched a news on the Television that a deer came in the town which was under lockdown. We have been hearing and watching ...