Sunday, March 29, 2020

China: on the RADAR of the world

China on the RADAR
Hello friends how are you doing? I think all is well in this shutdown time. Today's topic about which we are going to discuss is very critical.
  CORONA 19 had born in WUHAN city of China and doing genocide in small, large, developed, all sort of countries. Now whole world has come under the RADAR of COVID-19.                                     As the time is going, so many questions are being raised on the china ,and these questions in my opinion are very important.

  1. The first case of COVID-19 had come in November. And it told to world that this is a normal flu. On 7 January 2020, it officially announced that it is a new virus. Durin this one and half month why did it not told to WHO and world that there was a new virus.
  2. COVID-19 was produced in WUHAN city of china. And it is very interesting fact that except WUHAN, this virus didn't spread in other busiest cities like Bejing and Shanghai. How is it possible? In other countries this virus took just few days for spreading. At that time, these countries were well aware about COVID-19. But china knew about it after one and half month. During this period, did single person not go to other cities?  I am very sure there is something between the lines and we need to find it.
  3. Now when china has crossed forth stage of this virus, how is it possible that 60,000 people turned into wellness in just few days.
  4. Why WHO took three months to declare it a pandemic. It means china didn't give them proper repots regarding COVID-19.
  5. Number does matter.  In America ,in just a few days, the number of affected people crossed 1 lakh. But in China after facing it till 3 months the number stopped at 96000+ . As everyone know that America is far ahead than china ch term of health care system.
                                                  So all these questions prevails some concern regarding COVID-19. Now it is the time for china China to answered of these questions. China will have to do it or else world is ready to take the china on the RADAR.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Human being, please stop and rethink

Human being,stop and rethink
In this fast moving life ,we don't have enough time for anyone,even for family. We are making efforts to get success in our life. We are going to achieve or lost. We all working,like machines. And today human being has become a robot which don't have feelings with feeling itself.

                                                And todày when the governments whole over the world are declaring lockdown and curfew, then we all are thinking that we all has gone into deep crises. America, ITELY, IRAN,INDIA etc these countries has decided lockdown in their respective countries. Now human being see it difficult stay in home for somedays. I know that why is it? Are you know? 

In our life there is nothing any flexibility. We all get up early in the morning,having doing our own work throughout the day,come back to homea then go to sleep. This has been our daily routine. So my dear friends can you me answer of my questions? These are:-do you give some time to your family? Do you give much time to your own interests? Can you see things beyond your habits? 
Now you will make efforts to find answers of these questions. My dear friends it is not a tedious task. But the question raise in our mind what we need to do to getting answer? Nothing more, just stop and rethink. Then you will definitely find answers.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Fears of fearless life

Fear of fearless life

Hello everyone,how are you.I think everyone is well and stay in home due to curfew. So today l have come with a new blog, so let's start
As you have seen that how Corona has spread whole over the world with remarkable distruction. The virus has become a treadgy for whole world. Whole world making efforts to produce a vaccine or any drug which prevent it. But they do not get any success yet.

But the question which is raising in the mind of people that why and how this virus is dangerous? My dear friends the virus is not sinister but our fearless life is making us transgressor.It is the fact that we take such kind of viruses easy until we are not affected by it.Of course after that  calamity we teach essential lesson. We the people of this world don't be poise for such kind of tradegy.
Let's see the cases of ITELY, IRAN, AMERICA and also INDIA. Except India,rest countries are being widely affected. Why is it? Because of our fearless life. If we have fear then we are stopped, then start to take the measure itself. Today COVID-19 is teaching us a lesson that how should we live a fearless life with fear. Fear for those whose are being mostly affected and fearless for those whose are being able to make distance from corona as well as from those whose contain it. 

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Your immunity make difference

Your immunity make difference
Hello friends,how are you doing? I think everyone is doing well and stay in home as tomorrow is JANTA CURFEW. There are so many questions are being asked by people about COVID-19. Today I am going to discuss about immune system.

My dear friends, I am not telling you but is immune system? I think everyone is aware about it. But in short your immune system is your strength to fight with huge diseases like COVID-19. There in only one who kill Corona that is your immunity. If your immunity is strong then you are able to combat with this virus. As you are seeing that in all deaths all over the world, most of them above 60. At this age your immune has weakened. That's why older people of age above 60 are not able to face corona. 

One thing that is very interesting that if your immune system succes to defeat Corona after then you will never suffer from CORONA. So that's my friend rather focussing on rumours, focus on your immune system,it helps you to fight with CORONA. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Customs vs Costumes

Customs vs Costumes
Hello friends, today I am going to talking about the social issue. So let's start:-
Today when Western culture is overtaking over our culture,at this time it's our responsibility to make people understand. Today when India has entered in modern era and society, people of India are forgetting their culture and tradition. Speak on this matter of no use. But being a responsible citizen it's my duty to remind what is happened wrong in India.
In history,women had been represented as symbol of Indian culture. By women's effort we were successful to save our culture from outsider for a long. All time women used to respect their tradition. They had so successful to make their different image. With this, I also know that women were not as respected as they should. Respect word doesn't exist in their life. 

Also read:- Talent vs Skill vs Knowledge
                    If we compare that time with today, we see a lot of changes whether these are in mindset of people or in Costumes of people. Today when a lot of Rights have been provided to women, why they are forgetting their own culture. They are wearing such kind of clothes about which I can not speak out. You can see in your home,school, college and in towns as well. It shows your mindset and thinking about our rich culture. I am not saying that you wear so called old Indian clothes but at least those which represent your culture.
My dear friend several times your costumes display your culture. So it's your responsibility to make socity understand specially so called girls(not all) whose are totally affected by friend I know that you will accuse me to be very conservative. But before that please think on that what you are doing today with your rite. Bye.....

Viruses and Indians

Viruses and Indians
Hello friends, today when I am writing this blog, the people are suffering from COVID-19 at this time. There are so many rumors and fake cluster are spreading on all social media platforms.

Due to this, it is more vital for me to give you correct information and provide assistance at this bad time. So let's start discussion on topic.
Why is it difficult to kill the virus:-
the virus are not like bacteria. From bacteria to human and plants to animal, all are made up of cells. But the viruses are different in this case. Till now,the scientific have not succeed to find any cell in viruses. What is it's mean? In easy language, we kill only those things which have cell. But as we have explained earlier that the virus does not have any cell. That's why it is difficult to kill any virus. In this world only human immune system and Nature have power to distroy it. Due to this many doctors advise us to strengthen our own immune system.

Why Indians are  less affected:- To combat with viruses is depends upon the immunity. If one have good  immunity then it will be in well condition to fight with viruses. Indians eat all kinds of foods whether it is fast food, chicken, vegetables,pulses and also oily. These all make our immune system strong. 2nd thing is that we the people of India live among domestic animals like cow, buffalo and dogs etc. In that environment we are not need to be worry. It is scientific prove and I think everyone is aware about that how cow's dunk protect us from so many viruses.

Will this virus be get off in summer:- My friends viruses like SARS and MERS had get off in summer but there is no any evidence that it will be happened with COVID-19. There are some circumstances which  obviously affects virus like high temperature. This is the reason why scientist are saying that it will be get off in summer.
So my friends there is no any need to be panic but to be cautious.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Corona- a mistery of virsus

Hello friends,today we are going to discuss about CORONA which had been found in China  and  now it has spread approximate all over the word.
Let's try to understand what exactly it is?
What is corona- It is virus disease,which directly belongs to Corona families like SARS and MERS. It is new sort of virus which would not  exist earlier. 
Where is it's center- like SARS, China is center of Corona virus. In 2003, same thing had been happen in China. But China didn't learn from that virus. That's why today we have seen a new virus.
Why china-- Now the question will raise in your mind is that why does such kind of virsus produce in China?This is due the lack  of regulation in animal cut practices for chicken. Wuhan city of China is well known for animal killing. The human-animal link may cause of such kind of spreading of Corona.
Treatment- Till now ,we don't have any direct treatment of Corona. We have just indirect treatment which are following by the doctors like they try to strengthen your immune system.
Besides it, nature may have it's treatment.
If any suffered from corona-- if anyone suffered from corona--,it doesn't mean that you are going to die. But there is need to be cautious. It's all depend upon your immune system. If one's have good immune system then Corona can't affect him if Corona enters in his/her body.
So friends there is no any need to be panic. So don't worry. Bye and take care.
In another post we will discuss some other facts about corona and INDIA's strength to combat with such virsus.

Also read:-customes vs costumes

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Some interesting facts 4

Some interesting facts

# Chocolate can kill dogs as it contains the obromine,which affects their heart and nervous system.
#Nearly three percent of the ice in Antarctic glaciers is penguin urine.

#Dolphins can swim and sleep at the same time,as they sleep with one eye open.

#'RHYTHM' is the longest English word without a vowel.

#It takes approximately 2 million flowers for a bee to make 1 pound of honey.

#Hot water will turn into ice faster than cold water.

#You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching TV.

#The largest recorded snowflake was in Keogh,MT during year 1887,and was 15 inches wide.

#A human will eat on average 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders while sleeping.

#A single cloud can weight more than 1million pounds.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Some interesting facts 3

International Organizations & Headquarters

  • United nation organization (UNO):-New York
  • International court(IC):-Heg
  • International labour organization(ILO):-Geneva
  • Food & Agriculture organization(FAO):-Rome
  • World health organization(WHO):-Geneva
  • International monetary fund(IMF):-WashingtonDC
  • General agreement trade treaty(GATT):-Geneva
  • Asian development bank(ADB):-Manila
  • North Atlantic treaty organisation(NATO):-Brusells
  • Red Cross:-Geneva
  • SAARC:-kathmandu
  • WWC:-Geneva
  • International police:-Paris
  • World Trade Organisation (WTO):-Geneva
  • United nation environment program:-Narobi


Thursday, March 5, 2020

Some interesting full Forms -2

Search and share

Some interesting full Forms-2

  • SMS- short message service
  • FIR- first information report
  • GB- gigabyte
  • CD- compact disc
  • www- world wide Web
  • ROM- read only memory
  • DP- display picture
  • ATM- automatic teller machine
  • USB- universal serial bus
  • LCD- liquid crystal display
  • LED- light emitting diode
  • HDMI- high definition multimedia interface 
  • OTG- on the go 
  • OS- operating system 
  • GPS - global positioning system
  • Ok - objection killed
  • COMPUTER--common operated machine particularly used for technical education and research.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Some interesting full forms

Some interesting Full Forms
  • News- North East West South
  • Date-Day and Time Evolution
  • Tea-Taste and Energy admitted
  • Bye-Be with you everytime
  • Pen-Power enriched in nib
  • Aim-Ambition in mind
  • Pan-Permanent account number
  • Kyc-Know your customer


Sunday, March 1, 2020


सीखने को क्या है,
सीखा तो एक चींटी से भी जा सकता है,
हम तो फिर भी इंसान हैं।

भिडना किसी से,
उसका क्या होगा फायदा,
भिड़ना है तो खुद से भिडो।

मैं बेचारा बनने से,
क्या होगा फायदा,
बनना है तो मददगार बनो।

तुम सोचो अपने बारे में,
करो उम्मीद दूसरों से,
वो सोचें तुम्हारे बारे में।

बुरा नहीं तो अष्चा कहां तक,
जीना नहीं,तो मरना कहां तक।

अंत में बात एक हूं कहता,
मंज़िल जहां है तुम्हारी,
रास्ता भी है वहां तक।

Let them live

A few days ago, I watched a news on the Television that a deer came in the town which was under lockdown. We have been hearing and watching ...