Sunday, March 8, 2020

Some interesting facts 3

International Organizations & Headquarters

  • United nation organization (UNO):-New York
  • International court(IC):-Heg
  • International labour organization(ILO):-Geneva
  • Food & Agriculture organization(FAO):-Rome
  • World health organization(WHO):-Geneva
  • International monetary fund(IMF):-WashingtonDC
  • General agreement trade treaty(GATT):-Geneva
  • Asian development bank(ADB):-Manila
  • North Atlantic treaty organisation(NATO):-Brusells
  • Red Cross:-Geneva
  • SAARC:-kathmandu
  • WWC:-Geneva
  • International police:-Paris
  • World Trade Organisation (WTO):-Geneva
  • United nation environment program:-Narobi


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