Friday, February 28, 2020

आसमान के सितारे हम

आसमान के सितारे हम
आसमान के सितारे हम, 
एक दिन चमकेंगे ज़रूर,
बस थोड़ा सा प्रकाश पाने तो दो।

कठनायों का अंबार है,
उड़ने को हम तेयार हैं,
मगर पंख लगने तो दो।

माना मंज़िल दूर है,
रास्ता थोड़ा कठिन है,
थोड़ी सी हिम्मत दिखने तो दो।

आज हम झुक रहे,
दुनिया के आगे,
कल दुनिया झुकायेंगे ज़रूर।

समय का वादा है हमसे,
पंख हम लगेंगे ज़रूर,
आसमान के सितारे हम 
एक दिन चमकेंगे ज़रूर।

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

सुन्दर कविता - हकीक़त जानो

हकीक़त जानो
आसमान में उड़ने वाले, हकीक़त क्या,
ये पक्षियों से पुशो।

भर रहे  उडारी हवा में,
कल वो भी लौट आएंगे।

चले शेर अकेला चाहे ,
पर वार अकेले पे ही करता है।

मतलब नहीं हिम्मत कम उसमें,
बस इस हिम्मत कि उसे सीमा पता है।

रात के अंधेरे में,चमकने वाले,
सितारे वो कहलाते हैं।

सत्य यह भी उतना कि,
रवि रोशनी में गायब वो हो जाते हैं।

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

"सुन्दर कविता- न मैं"

"न मैं"
उठा में खड़ा हुआ,
अपनी राह बस चलता गया,
न मैं रुका,न मैं झुका कंही।

बाधाएं थीं हजारों रास्ते में,
न मैं हारा कहीं,न मैं गिरा कहीं।

रास्ते पे चलने का पता न था,
न मैं भुला,न मैं भटका कहीं।

अंधेरे में बहुत ठोकरें खाई मैने,
न मैं सहमा,न मैं ड्डरा कहीं।

मंज़िल की चाहत थी मेरे में,
न मैं रूठा, ना मैं टूटा कहीं।

आखिर सपना साकार हुआ,
मैं ज़ी भर जीअा, न मरा कहीं।

Sunday, February 23, 2020


Difference among NPR, NRC,NRC
Hello friends,how are you? I think everybody doing well. As you know ,there is a ongoing protest against NPR,NRC and CAA. This all are happening due to misinformation that is spreading by the radical people. So being a citizen of this country it is our responsibility to clarify people what are the difference among them?
What is NPR:-

                          NATIONAL POPULATION REGISTER is a register of Indian residents who live or stay in india. It has not any relation with citizenship. Anybody who lives or stays in india comes under the ambit of NPR.
What is NRC:-
National register of Indian citizens is a national register of Indian citizens. This bill is not yet come on parliament table.  But through this bill if it passes in parliament,the government's intention is to verify who is citizen and foreigners.
What is CAA:-
Citizenship amendment act a bill which provides Indian Citizenship to those persecuted minorities who belong to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh. Except Muslim, all other communities are allowed to take citizenship through this bill. This is the contentionous part of this bill. But this doesn't steal citizenship of Indian citizens. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Fundamental duties always dominate fundamental right

Follow Fundamental duties Makes difference
Hello friends, how are you? Today we are going to put a ray of light on hot topic. As we all have awared about Shaheen bhag incident. The debate has fully focussed on Fundamental Rights and Fundamental duties. Recently and in history,a lot of incidents appear before us. And right now everybody has been confused on this matter that which they preferred first? So friends let's start:-
Firstly ask from yourself what is fundamental right? Why am I saying that because there is not a particular definition of it. But at least it has a manageable explanation i.e these are the guarantees that is given by the state. It means ideological development of political democracy. We are not going too deep in this.
Today we all are talking about fundamental Rights. Moving out of home,sitting on agitation, trying to incite violence, striving to vandalized public properties. That's true in your's view. This is right as this is your country. You are more worrying about fundamental Rights. But one question that I would like to ask from everyone where is your's fundamental duties right now? Fundamental duties are the fundamental Rights of this country in which you have been living for many decades. And today you are talking about it's distraction through these so called bogg protest.
 My dear friend are you do same activity in your home? If no,why at this place ? Is this not your country? If no,then you should go in your own place,and if yes then stop the protest, talk direct with government.
I recall that when a group of bus service man had sitted on agitation and those were not taking the money from pessenger whose were suffering through buses. At last they were able to compelled japani government for their respective promises. This is the example how japani people are well aware about its Fundamental duties. But in our country all are howking for rights. Once Chanakya said that it is responsibility of every individual to follow Fundamental duties rather than Fundamental rights.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Key point work in ssc exam

Key point work in SSC exam
SSC-staff selection commission opperates many number of exam. Today it appears as base builence of higher post exam. It is first choice of many students. A lot of students have been doing hardwork for many years. Some of them be successful and most of them not. This is because they are not focusing on smart ideas with study. So today we are going to discuss on this matter and later we will look how we overcome our weaknesses? So let me start.

  • This exam contains syllabus upto 10th standerd. So most of students take this exam easy. But they forget that this is compitative exam not a exam. Time will be a bariar in your way. So first focus on your timing.
  • Your syllabus is not just of 10th standerd. It is 10+high standerd. It means it will not be easy for beginners. How we will overcome it i answered about it later.
  • Selection of books makes a difference between failure and success. So opted very carefully.
  • Take advantage of online classes via YouTube or any other social medias platforms. It will help you a lot .

Book List for SSC:-
1) Mathematics-Rakesh yadhav sir
                           -Kiran sir
                          -Lucent mathematics
2)English-Rakesh yadhav sir
3) Gk(all exam)  :- go through online
4)Reasoning :- Rakesh yadhav sir 
                   :-kiran sir
5) Current Affairs:- Newspaper about we mentioned earlier post. 
So my friends choose one book of any subject and prepare till one year
Then see result .That will your real hard work. Bye....

Monday, February 17, 2020

शास्त्र और विज्ञान में अन्तर

शास्त्र और विज्ञान में अन्तर
विज्ञान के(इस ज़माने में शास्त्रों की बात बड़े कम लोगों को ही समझ आती है। इस का क्या कारण है वो मुझे नहीं पता। आज का समाज आधुनिक समाज है, और विज्ञान इस आधुनिक समाज का शास्त्र है। मुझे पता है आप लोग बहुत हैरान होंगे, पर ऐसा ही है। नीचे दिए गए तथ्य इस बात को साबित करेंगे।

  • हमारा इतिहास लगभग पांच हजार साल पुराना है। विज्ञान ने अबतक उन्हीं बातों या रहस्यों को खोजा है जो शास्त्र खोज चुके हैं।जैसे सौरमंडल में सात गृह हैं, पृथ्वी सूर्य क इर्द - गिर्द घूमती है, सबसे शॉटा परमाणु है। लेकिन विज्ञान इन्हे भी ठीक से समझ नहीं पाया है। जब कि शास्त्र इन सभी के जवाब देता है।
  • विज्ञान आज जिसे परमाणु बम कहता है उसे शास्त्र में ब्रह्मास्त्र कहा गया है। लेकिन अन्तर देखिए शास्त्र के पास ब्रह्मास्त्र शोर्ने के बाद उसे वापिस बुलाने की भी तकनीक थी। क्या साइंस के पास है, नहीं।शास्त्र ने इसके उपयोग की भी सीमा तय की थी।लेकिन विज्ञान नहीं कर पाया।
  • विज्ञान आज तक मरे  व्यक्ति को दोबारा जीवित नहीं कर पाया लेकिन शास्त्र ने भीष्म पितामा और अश्वाधमा जैसे लोगो को सदा के लिए जीवित कर दिया।
शास्त्र पवित्र हैं,विज्ञान नहीं। शास्त्रों की पूजा करना मतलब भगवान की पूजा। लेकिन क्या विज्ञान की उतनी इ ज़ त करता है जितनी की शास्त्र की,नहीं। शास्त्र सदा वसुदेव कुतुमकुम की बात करता है यानी की सारा संसार एक परिवार है।लेकिन विज्ञान इसकी बात नहीं करता।

          आज नासा जैसी अमेरिका की एजेंसी भी शास्त्रों पर शोध कर रहें हैं,और हम इस महान विरासत को यूं रास्ते पर शॉड रहें हैं । क्या हमारा फर्ज़ नहीं बनता कि हम भी अपने शास्त्रों से कुश सीखें? महर्षि चाणक्य ने एक बार कहा था कि जो देश अपनी संस्कृति और परपराओं का आदर नहीं करता वो गुलाम हो जाता है।एक बार यह बात सााबित हो चुकी है। ऐसा न हो कि हमें  दो बारा भी इसी  तरह की घड़ी देेखने पड़े। क्या आप बता सकते हैं कि शास्त्रों में ऐसा क्या है जो इस को  खाास बनाता है? जानना चाहते हैं तो मेरी अगली पोस्ट का इंतजारर्ष करें।

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Talent vs Skills vs Knowledge

Talent vs Skill vs Knowledge
Hello friends, I am Ravi Kumar,once again come with a new blog. Today we are going to discuss about major difference among three(Talent,Skill & Knowledge). Let's start:-
  • Talent is a distinguish thing which exist in everyone. It is unique. Your brain will be preferred to your talent as your brain directly attaches your activities regarding talent. Sometimes your talent will drop you in darkness and many time it will put up. Several time it is difficult for you to carry it forward. But at last it is your identity, so don't lost it.
  • Like Talent skill is not God gift. Talent is extraordinary so it is one. But there are so many small talents which needs to change in skills. For example you are very talented in dancing. But you are good in study as well. Also your interest in computer science. By doing something you transforms these into skills. Ya both(Talent and Skill) needs to improve. But as we explained earlier both are not same.
  • Knowledge is your own assets. Knowledge is collection of all sort things whether these are exist or not. Unlike Talent ,there is a parameters of knowledge. And you always pass through it via competition exam. But for talent it is not required. One may less and other can have large patches of knowledge.
So my friends these are some fundamental difference among three. Now it's your duty to improve your thinking about these. If you ask me which is more critical then my answer will be skills. Bye........

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Science as imagination

What's Science's real mean
Hello friends,how are you? So I have come with a new blog. Today we are talking about science not as stream but with widespread view. So let me start.
Search here-Studyfirst2021
Science, today known for its wide advantage and disadvantage. I am not going into deep discussion. First tell me what is Science? Science is a collection of all kinds of imaginations whether these are proved or not. Now question raised what is imagination? Imagination is your's thinking about things whether they may exist or may not. Imagination is not lie it is truth. For example if we said God is exist, this is just our imagination. We can't see,hear,even feel but then many as well as me believe there is a God around us. Similarly you can take example of Newton's incident of apple. Earlier Newton imagined there is a force but later he make it proved.
 There are so many examples before us . Actually Science is not a course and name of a subject ,it is thinking,it is understanding to see things. So these are some example when science itself proves it is more than a stream. 
So my friends, focus on improve thinking instead of books, do everything practically not just read theory. So my friends promise me take science as game of imaginations not as burden of books. Bye, I will meet you with another topic.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Best way to read Newspaper

Best way to read newspaper
Hello friends, how are you doing? Never bad,ok. So not waste time on discussion let me begin illustration on our spark topic. So let start:-
Also read:--Why we can't crack exam
After describing about best newspaper and it's benefits, the question raise in mind is that how we read newspaper in right manner? So today you will get answer of this question. Are you ready? I assumed that there is a newspaper in your hand.
  • First page of Newspaper is not so essential, just overlook it.
  • Leave from news of your region.
  • Concentrate on National News( any policy, bill related to any development, reforms initiated state and union government)
  • Events and tour of PM and other prominent leaders.
  • The most important page is Editorial and Ideas page, this is bone of Newspaper. You must read it in any situation whether you have time or not.
  • Economy page, pay heed on reforms and policies related to Farmers,banks and other capital gains.
  • No focus on sports news.
  • Pay a little bit of heed on international news related to India, not with any other country.
So this is the best way to read any Newspaper. If you follow it then I promise you it will work for you. So bye friends, meet you next time with another blog.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Five Benefits of reading Newspaper

Benefits of reading Newspaper
Hello friends, how are you doing? As you know today we are going to discussing 5 benefits of reading Newspaper. But before that first of all let me discribe that what is newspaper.
Newspaper is a collection of all kinds of knowledge and thinking improving skills in any field. Now we going to explain 5 benefits of reading Newspaper.
Also read:-Why we can't crack exam
  • Increase your reading and learning skills.
  • Improve your thinking.
  • Fill up you with knowledge.
  • Awared you about current events.
  • Teaching lessons from stories
So these are some advantage of readings newspaper continuously. But continues not with just one-two day in a weak. But the important thing about newspaper who we read it? I think many time my friends confuse on this issue. In next post I try to solve your this problem. So take care . Bye.......

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Best Reading Newspaper

Best Newspaper for Exam
Hello friends, how are you? I hope you are happy. Today I am going to discuss best newspaper for any exam and it's benefits. So let's begin. First we are talking about best newspaper in India.

English                 -              Hindi 
  • The Hindu -Danik jagran(National)                       

  1. The Times of India-Nav Bharat Time               
  2. The Indian Express-Jansatta                    
  3. The Hindustan times-Dainik bhaskar             
  4. The National Tribune - Amar Ujala 
Also read:-Why we can't crack exam
Ok, so your first question is that which newspaper is best in knowledge as well as in cost? If I am right then I would like to told you that I am able to answered of this question.
The best newspaper is The Hindu(English). Why is it best? I will explain it later but before that I want to told you that it is very costly approximate 10RS per day (New Delhi). Its best for it's largest covering area of national news and current affairs content which is essential for competitive exam. It's science page plays an important role to crack UPSC like exam. Editorials written by distinguished people.
                                                 The Times of India , mainly it famous for it's wide national news coverage area and people prefers it as it is undercost just 5RS per day(New Delhi).
The Indian Express,it is alternative of The Hindu. Since it is undercost just 5RS per day. It is famous for it's Editorials and Ideas page which may consist all current affairs news and improve your thinking about current events.
Rest of English Newspapers have properties along above newspaper. If you ask me then I suggest you The Indian Express.
                                                  Now comes on Hindi newspaper. Best newspaper for Hindi aspirant is National Danik Jagran. It is the Hindu of Hindi but it doesn't mean that it compete Hindu,never. It knows for it's wide national events coverage area and editorials particularly written by distinguished and amenable people. Similarly, Nav Bharat Times, Nai Dunia ,Dainik Bhaskar, Amarujala is knows for it's availability and undercost. These newspapers also prominent in Hindi field. But these newspapers is just 20-30% of English newspapers, but not bad. So, friends these are some extraordinary newspapers in Hindi-English. But there are so many differences in both sort of newspapers. If you want to know about differences.Then wait for my next blog . So, Bye friends.........

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Why we can't crack exam

Why we can't crack Exam
Hello friends, how are you? I think everyone is doing well. Today I am going to illustrate some facts about our lacking in exam.
Also read:-Five ways to get success
So let's start . I will explain it later but before that tell me something.

  1. Has you prepared for any exam?
  2. Are you going to start preparation?
Also read:-True mean of study
Have you full desire to crack the exam?
Let's start,
                    Actually our way to studying and understanding the things is totally according to school levels where marks always does matter. But in competition exam the examinar's effort is select best employee. Ya , employee . Are you shocking? It's your right.
2nd, there is no continuity in the preparation. As after some time of preparation we feel that it's not in our ability to do this.
3rd , wrongdoings are obstacles in our ways. Means syllabus , previous years papers and deep study etc.
4th, our bàckground. 
These are some reasons due to we fails in exàm.
Please search my website for more interesting facts given below- 
 Now we give you some suggestions if you really want to crack the exam.
  1. Bring continuity in your study.
  2. Prepare for knowledge not for just exam.
  3. Bring change in your bahaviour.
  4. Read exam pattern and previous years question carefully
  5. Always try to find new thing and improve your skills.
  6. Focus on your best strength and strive to overcome weakness.
And now this is upto you how are you take these suggestions......Bye.

Let them live

A few days ago, I watched a news on the Television that a deer came in the town which was under lockdown. We have been hearing and watching ...